
琉球ゴールデンキングス アンソニー・マクヘンリー選手[English] ファミ友FILE:007


They unite to win the championship again, to leave their mark on bj league history.



As they go into the final season, Fierce battles occured in the very last bj league. Their speed, tenacious with deffense, Ryukyu Golden Kings keep growing to get back on top once again.
Anthony Machenry, who contributed  to Kings’ three bj league championships. His teammates, coach and so many Kings fans have faith in him.
We interviewed him to see what he is like outside of the court. 

  • ─マクヘンリー選手がバスケットを始めたのはいつ頃ですか。プロになろうと思ったきっかけは?



  • mac03_1

─How did you start playing basketball? and when did you start thinking about playing professionally?

When I first played, I was about 4 years old.  Most of the kids around me played basketball so I started playing to socialize with them.  I liked the competiton of it and I got obssesed with trying to make the ball go into the basket.
I think I was in highshool when I thought about playing professionally. I went to AAU every summer and had a chance to play with the people from different states. That’s when I realized that I am pretty good at it and started to take it more seriously.



─What kind of a kid were you? Did you play any sports other than basketball?

I was very active. I liked playing outside than staying inside. 
It wasn’t a organized team, but I used to play baseball with friends in the neighborhood.I was good at catching, but not so much at others. lol




ジョージア工科大学時代の1番の思い出は、バスケの試合で決勝に進んだ時の2週間後に期末試験があって大変だったことかな(笑)。試験の結果はあまり覚えていないけど。何とかできたと思います(苦笑) 。でもやっぱり、試合の行く先々でたくさんの人たちに応援され、支えられたことはかけがえのない1番の思い出です。

─Do you have any special memories of when you were in Georgia Tech Univircity?

Going to the semifinal. And two weeks after that We had an exam. I don’t remember much about that part but I think I did allright. lol
But seeing so many people who supported us as we went to play in many different places was one of the special memories. 

  • mac07_1

  • ─出身地であるアラバマは、自然にあふれる素敵な街だと聞きました。沖縄と似ているところはありますか。


    ─You’re from Alabama.  Is there anything in Okinawa similar to Alabama?

    The four seasons in Alabama is pretty distinct. It gets really hot and humid  in the summer just like in Okinawa, but it goes from super hot to super cold in the winter.
    Being from Alabama is part of who I am. Being from there and what I eat, how I interact with people, all of those things make me who I am  and I’m very proud of myslef and I’m proud that I’m from Alabama. 



─What was the first impression of Okinawa when you first arrived? Do you have favorite Okinawan food or places?

“Jesus hot here!” was my first impression. lol  Then I went to the beautifull beaches and I met many local people, I thought this is a pretty cool place.  Within a year, I was in love with this place.
I love Okinawa soba. and Yakiniku, Awamori. I like going to the Sunabe Area. I go there for a walk with my dog o relax. 



─Can you eat GOYA?

Umm…. lol  But  I know it’s good for you so I eat it! 




─What made you decide to play with Kings? What do you think the great things about this team?

Kings contacted me through Jeff Newton who is my best friend. I was already retired as a proffesional but Jeff asked me if I wanted to play again in Okinawa then I decided to play here.
The great thing about this team is the “Winning attitude”. Everyone in the team has the same goal no matter who we sign every year. Everyone is here to win. And we treat each other like a family. It’s a really good enviroment.



─What is the most memorable moment since you started to play with Kings?

There are so many, It’s hard to pick just one!
But if I can pick three, all three would be going to the championship. 

  • mac04

  • ─マクヘンリー選手が得意なことや、プレースタイルは何ですか。苦手なことを克服するために、努力していることはありますか。


    ─What is your best play style? and Is there anything that you’re working on to get better at?  

    I would say that I’m more of a player that can play in any position than a one that’s super good at one position.

So, I’m working on everything!  Everyday, I’m trying to become  better and better.
I’m not the type of a player that stays in the gym and just keeps shooting and dribbling over and over. I do work on those things, but I feel that I’m growing more when I’m in a court and playing with others to compete with. 



─Do you have a routine that you do before games? or any good luck charm?  

I do have a routine. On a day I have a game, I always take an hour nap. I eat spaghetti. and whatever the meeting time is, I always get there begore an hour early.
And If I have a good luck charm, that would be to make my wife wish me a good luck. 


妻はほとんどの試合を観に来ているけど、今は1歳に満たない息子がいて、彼が我が家のボスだから、彼の機嫌次第かな(笑) 。

─Do your family come to everygame?

My wife comes to most of the games, but now we have a son who’s almost a year old.
Now he is the boss in the house so it depends on him now.lol

  • ─息子さんにも将来バスケットをしてほしいですか。


    ─Do you want your son to become a basketball player as well?

    No, I want him to be a doctor or something and take care of his daddy lol.

  • mac11



─How do you spend your day off? Do you hung out with your teammates on a day off?

I just rest on my day off! But I do hung out with my teammates sometimes and play cards or something. Before Jeff left Kings, He was the closest one in the team. When he came to Okinawa recently, We were togather everyday. I hung out with everyone in the team. Sometimes I hung out with the older guys, Sometimes I hung out with the yunger guys. Somoetimes, with foreign players, and sometimes with Japanese players.




─Can you give some advices to kids who are playing basketball? 

No one becomes great in one day. It takes time but you just need to decide what you want to become and you just keep working hard towards to it.  I think That’s for everything not just for basketball.



─What is your goal in this very last bj league?

I just want to win! And I want us to be the team that won the last championship of bj league.When people think of bj league, I want them to remember that Kings as the last champion. 




─Can you give a message to the Kings boosters?

First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who came to the retirement ceremony of Jeff Newton who is my best friend. That was very special.
Things like that make us a great team and help us to win. I would like you to support us through out the seasn and as long as we have your support, we can be the top team and we make sure we will keep it exciting for you!


Anthony McHenry(アンソニー・マクヘンリー)
2005~2006年Lecester City Riders(イギリス)、2006~2007年Fort Worth Flyers(NBDL)を経て、2008年より琉球ゴールデンキングス所属。[2008-2009][2011-2012][2013-2014]のbjリーグ優勝に貢献する。受賞歴:ファイナルズMVP(2011年~2012年)、ベスト5(2010年~2011年)、アシスト2位(2009年~2010年)、コミッショナー特別賞(2008年~2009年)。

Anthony Duane McHenry
Born April 16, 1983 in Alabama United states of America. Graduated from Georgia Tech. The 6 ft 8. Uniform number 5, forward.Played for Leicester Riders in the British Basketball League (2005–2006) and the Fort Worth Flyers in the NBA Development League. Signi with the Ryukyu Goden Kings in 2008.Contributed to the Kings championships in 2008-2009, 2011-2012 and 2013-2014.Awards- MVP finals (2011-2012), Best ffive (2010-2011), 2nd place in best assist (2009-2010), Commissioner special award (2008-2009).